
FAQs and Rate Information

Why should I see a licensed marriage and family therapist?

There are many different avenues for people to obtain support. Going to see a therapist is one of the more traditional, research oriented methods. Licensed marriage and family therapists are backed by the Board of Behavioral Sciences to provide professional and ethical counseling services to consumers. Every licensed clinician has a masters degree, completed 3000+ hours of supervised clinical experience and passed two state exams. Your license is required to be renewed every two years with proof of completing continuing education in order to stay up to date on the latest changes and trends.

What should I expect from therapy?

Therapy is the process of unraveling old behavioral patterns that no longer serve you and creating new healthy ways of being. We will complete an assessment and treatment plan to determine what are your goals for our time together. The treatment plan will be our roadmap to help stay on course and get the most out of our sessions. Something important to note is that most often people feel worse before they feel better. Don’t let this fact discourage you from diving in! This is because you will be addressing some tough topics and themes from your life. I will be there to help guide you through the discomfort to get you to the other side. It is also important to understand that I will not be doing the work for you. You are the driver and I am your co-pilot.

How often and for how long will I need to be in therapy?

Most people commit to weekly sessions although it is possible that biweekly sessions are needed depending on the severity of your impairments and what stage of understanding you are in. I do not provide a timeline on how long you “need to” be in therapy. This is entirely up to you. One cannot say, in three months you will feel better. Mental health is on a continuum. My hope is that you come in ready to do the work and get to a point where you feel like you’ve uncovered enough to feel stronger. When you are needing support again you know where to find it.

How much do you charge and do you take insurance?

My rate is $150 for a 50 minute session due at the time of your appointment. I am currently not accepting insurance, however, I can provide you with billing for your insurance company.